King Naresuan 3 hasn't been released yet. Last time I checked the release date was supposed to be 5th December 2007, the King's birthday. I don't see any news of it anywhere, even the official movie website has disabled the news link, I guess they must've had some shooting delays. After the immense popularity of King Naresuan Episodes 1 and 2, I just can't wait to grab some cheese popcorn and watch this movie in a cinema.
SAME HERE :D can't wait to watch episode 3!!!! i've watched 1 and 2 and they were awesome!!! I skipped the Thai parts- just watched the Burmese scenes- 'cos I'm Burmese and practically addicted to my country's history. :) EMILY
First Naresuan 3 should has been released at 05.12.2007, then they postponed the release to 05.12.2008
a few days ago I read about another delay, it will be 2009, a new release date has´nt been pronounced yet.
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