It is a much-anticipated release and it will be greeted with parties all over the world to celebrate the occasion. The official world record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours is also being aimed for, as the makers of Firefox 3 have encouraged users to sign on and download the new browser beginning Tuesday June 17th, 2008.

Currently, there is no world record for software downloads and Mozilla is trying to create one. To help its cause, Mozilla is hosting a Download Day event, the Camp Firefox BBQ, at its offices in Mountain View, California today. The total number of unique downloads will potentially qualify for a new record with the Guinness Book of World Records. Over 1.5 million potential users have signed up so far and pledged to download the newest Firefox 3 software.
Below is how the Firefox Download Day 2008 pledge page looks like. Visit Download Day 2008. Around 10k internet users have pledged form Thailand.

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