At the age of nine, he had been taken as hostage to Burma for 6 years. King Naresuan was a great warrior king. He liberated Ayutthaya from Burma while he was the Crown Prince. He led the soldiers into battles to defend the country against Burmese invasions numerous times. He is widely known among the Thais nowadays for his heroic efforts. King Naresuan deserved the honor of being "the Great". He not only restored national independence but also made Siam such a powerful country that no enemy threatened the walls of Ayutthaya again for another 173 years.

Episode I was about his life as a young boy, a friend, a monk, episode II was a display of his leadership skills, loyalty, wisdom, fighting skills, his talent in tactical warfare, his love for Siam, and the journey he made back to Siam. The end of episode II was simply superb when King Naresuan held a special 3-metre long rifle and fired a bullet across the river that hit the bulls eye! Episode I was interesting, episode II was thrilling, and lets hope that the final episode will put up a great ending!
The above pictures are taken from the official movie site http://www.kingnaresuanmovie.com/
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