Samak just wants to cling on to power, unlike a Klingon warrior who values honor above all else.
It seems that the state of emergency has backfired against Samak, since he looks like the only person in Thailand who is following it.
Despite Samak's controversial tactics of shifting responsibility to the Army, General Anupong Paojinda clearly announced a "no coup", and pledged not to use violence against the protesters, for which he has won many praises.
Accofing to reports, the National Human Rights Commission also issued a statement opposing the state of emergency declared over Bangkok, saying that the state of emergency is a draconian security measure that will further inflame the situation.
The Nation reported yesterday that "The Election Commission Tuesday voted unanimously to seek an order of the Constitution Court to dissolve the People Power Party in connection of vote buying by its former deputy leader Yongyuth Tiyapairat." This means that the PPP could be dissolved... what a week for Samak!
It remains business as usual for the People's Alliance for Democracy at Government House. Since the declaration of the state of emergency on Tuesday morning, the protesters remained free to move about the city and continue with their daily rally chores at the Government House.
Today the PAD protesters stood in silence for a minute to show respect to Narongchai Korbthaisong, a pro-government supporter killed during the Tuesday early morning clash.
The Thai Foreign Minister, Tej Bunnag has tendered his resignation from the Samak government today, just 40 days after taking office. Tej, 65, was the former permanent secretary for foreign affairs.
Sooner or later Samak is going to have to resign. Rumours say that he is going to announce his resignation tomorrow morning duirng my breakfast time on FM 92.5 at 07.30 AM, let's see if that happens. If he resigns he can always get back to what he's really good at, cooking.
By the way, the free bus rides courtesy of Samak's PPP government, which I occasionally ride, hasn't been that fun, just overcrowded. But I'm enjoying my free bubble baths since Samak's PPP is also paying for my water bills for 5 or 6 months.
Whether the Government or the PAD wins, Thailand is losing.
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