Thomas Beattie, the transgender man dubbed as "The Pregnant Man" who made worldwide headlines when he gave birth to a baby girl named Susan Juliette Beatie on June 29 this year, is again expecting a second child.

The 34 year-old Beatie, born Tracy Lagondino, who transitioned from female to male and decided not to remove his reproductive organs during the procedure 10 years ago, is in his first trimester.

"I feel good," Beatie told Walters. The new baby is due on June 12, 2009.
Sporting a light beard, Beatie told Walters he did not go back on the male hormone testosterone after Susan's birth because he and his wife Nancy wanted to have another baby.
Beatie, who begin a lesbian relationship with Nancy when he was 24, had sex reassignment surgery in 2002. The couple were legally married in 2003 and decided to start a family. Beatie first became pregnant since Nancy, who'd had a hysterectomy, could no longer have children.
May he and his wife once again be blessed. This is extremely happy news! :-)
Tonight in Scotland i watched the programme about the pregnancy of Thomas and i was disgusted in the uman race and the abuse Thomas and his family had to endure. The only important fact is that the baby is going to have a happy loving home with two good caring people and this seems to be forgotton by people. The focus and anger should be focused on the amount of young girls under the legal age that become pregnant, the amount of drug users and abusive people that are allowed to have and keep there children when it is very clear they are not capable to bring up children. People say this is a sin and wrong however if God did not want him to be capable to have children he would not have given him the organs to do so what sex he choses to be is his choice. How many people out there have skelitons in there closets and ask your self this questions would you like to be judged for them or would you like to have to deal with abuse day in day out and if you are one of the abusive people who made you God and your actions are not very christian are they?
I watched this story on a programme on tv and it is disgusting to see how this man and his family were given so much abuse! I was nearly sick at some of the things which were said to him! I hope him and his family are left alone soon and that all goes well in this second pregnancy. He had a gorgeous daughter and a very understanding caring wife. I wish them both the best and hope their children do not experience any of this awful negativity from the rediculous narrow minded people out there.
I watched with interest the 60 minutes interview with Thomas and his wife.
I am from Canada - male and straight - why that's important I don't know but in the United States it seems to be.
I thought it was a great piece. The only part I was disturbed with was when Ms. Walter asked if Thomas and his wife were pregant again, they answered "yes" and Ms. Walters said she was speachless. Speachless...what about congradulations, I couldn't believe her only response was that she was speachless. I'm going to write 60 minutes.
CONGRADULATIONS on your new pregnancy and the very best.
Howard Carley
Vancouver, Canada
hope they will be burn in hell with everybody who helped them from far or from close!
Whats wrong with this world????
Oh my word. Congratulations to them. What a beautiful baby!
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